Fibonacci Numbers, the Golden section and the Golden String I have this idea for a type face based on the "Golden Mean"... and this site seems to be a good place to start for an understanding of the Fibonacci sequence and the magic numbers ±0·61803 39887... and ±1·61803 39887
Gallery of Computation | generative artifacts is another site from the amazing Jared Tarbell. Many of the designs here utilize the Processing Java applet engine to create the imagery. Gallery-quality prints available for purchase... I'll have to consider if we actually ever 'decorate'.
Boxes and Arrows: The Design behind the Design Boxes and Arrows is such a great site for the UXA's of the world... So I'm christening my "Blogger" button in the Google Toolbar with a link to it.
Long live Christina Wodtke! May I someday learn how to pronounce here last name...